

Bhalukipatala, Keonjhar, Odisha, 758001
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New admission will be made subject to the vacancies in the respective classes following admission procedure. No correspondence will be entertained regarding admissions

Parents, guardians and new pupils must note that they cannot dictate administration and the school has the rights to say on what conditions it will admit or retain pupils in the school

School may follows – (i) First come first basis or (ii) Admission Test for admission of new students. No reference, pressure in any form is acceptable. In case higher classes the school may make sure that the student is mentally, physically, emotionally and academically fit for those classes

A candidate who joins fresh from home or from a private school has to produce an official , Aadhaar Card,Birth Certificate, T.C. from competent authorities, in support of the certificate of the date of birth to be entered in the Admission Register of the school.

 As per the rules, only pupils who will complete five-and-a-half years by 1st June, can be admitted to standard I and a corresponding scale of ages is fixed for the subsequent standards.

 If the pupil comes from a school outside, the school leaving certificate must be countersigned by the inspector of the concerned state.

The school sincerely follows the norms prescribed under RTE Act for admission procedure.

 Details of Monthly Fees

1. Pre Nursery – Rs. 500.00

2. Nursery – Rs. 500.00

3. I to IV – Rs. 800.00

4. V to VI – Rs. 900.00

5. VII to VIII – Rs. 950.00

6. IX & X – Rs. 1050.00

7. XI & XII – Rs. 0

Admission Period – 

Academic Session Period – 

Vacation Period –